Friday, 3 August 2012

I'M PARTICIPATING: The Cosy Dragon: 25 Followers & 100 Reviews Giveaway


The Cosy Dragon: 25 Followers & 100 Reviews Giveaway: 25 Followers & 100 Reviews Giveaway Yay! I finally met my follower goals, and at around the same time I have completed 100 reviews.

Not bad for just over half a year. I'm a little amazed I'm still blogging, but I'll just keep on going while I still have the momentum. So far I've discovered some new pretty nifty authors, and enjoyed rediscovering some old favourites. I've just registered a new domain , so please update your RSS readers accordingly.

I will be having this giveaway through The Book Depository, so if you're entering, please make sure that they ship to you.


  1. Thanks for reposting this! Much appreciated, and I'm now following your blog in return.



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