Sunday, 25 May 2014

Owl Post #16 [February, March, April, & May, 2014]

This meme, called Owl Post is created by Brodie of Eleusinian Mysteries inspired by In My Mailbox by The Story Siren. Been meaning to do this since forever and I just love this idea. I'm being a Ravenclaw since at the age of eleven and couldn't seem to remember to do this....kudos to Brodie for thinking about this!

Before you all proceed further, let me make something clear:-

1. Just like my IMM posts, this will not be done every Sunday but on the last Sunday of each month... the reason why you'll see a lot more books in here than normal.
2. This Owl Post will have all the books that I received in February, March, April & May, 2014.
3. Also it will feature a list of recap link at the bottom of the page, which enlists all the review, interviews and tour posts I have done that particular month. Now I expect you all to visit each link and give out a comment here and there(would very much appreciate it) and you all can link your reviews too, i'd love to comment.
4. You are all welcome to share what you all got in the comment section below....i'd love to visit....

For Review


Saturday, 24 May 2014

TOURZ DE CODEX: BOUND by Samantha Jacobey [Special Content + GIVEAWAY]

Day 5, Samantha Jacobey's Bound visits us today with a special character profile and a Giveaway you don't wanna miss....

About the book:-

Book 2 - Formerly Life of Doubt

Raised by bikers and held by the FBI, Tori Farrell has literally walked over dead men to get to where she is today.

When she broke the ties to her dark and twisted life with the Dragons, she thought it would give her a fresh start and a chance to live a normal life. However, she soon discovered the demons from her past have no desire to let her go.

Bound to a halfway house under orders of the FBI, Tori takes things day by day, working to move forward and to face her own addictions. With her true identity a mystery and no family to turn to, she must learn to accept the love and support of those around her. When a mysterious and charismatic man walks into Tori’s life, she believes she’s finally found someone who wants her for who she is. But sometimes danger doesn’t hide cloaked in darkness” It comes out into the light of day in the form of a smooth talking bad boy who appears to be everything you’ve been looking for, but is really the one thing you should be running from” 

This book is intended for readers 18+ and contains scenes that may cause distress to some readers: Domestic Abuse, Kidnapping, Rape and Substance Abuse are described in detail.

Author bio:-

Anyone who knows me could tell you, I am a friendly kind of person, never met a stranger and take up conversations anywhere at any time. I work hard, and my mind never seems to shut down, as I wake up often in the middle of the night with ideas pouring out and demanding to be dealt with. Of course that means much of my books were written in the middle of the night.

I grew up and still live in the great state of Texas where everything is bigger, where we have warm weather and a central location. I love my state, my town, and my family, which includes my four sons, my significant other, and many friends as well.

I have thoroughly enjoyed writing the books that are currently available and hope you will enjoy reading them just as much. And of course, there will be many more stories to come.

Find Samantha and "Bound" here:-

Author links:
Official Website

Trailers:  Captive  |   Bound  |   Entwined

Buy Bound:   Amazon (kindle)  |   Amazon (paperback)   |  iTunes  |   B&N
                         Google Play (Captive)  |    Google Play (Bound)  |   Google Play (Entwined)

Special Content:-


Waterfire Saga #1 Deep Blue

Presenting Waterfire Saga #1 Deep Blue by Jennifer Donnelly.

Here is the summary of the book:

The first in a series of four epic tales set in the depths of the ocean, where six mermaids seek to protect and save their hidden world.

Deep in the ocean, in a world not so different from our own, live the merpeople. Their communities are spread throughout the oceans, seas, and freshwaters all over the globe.

When Serafina, a mermaid of the Mediterranean Sea, awakens on the morning of her betrothal, her biggest worry should be winning the love of handsome Prince Mahdi. And yet Sera finds herself haunted by strange dreams that foretell the return of an ancient evil. Her dark premonitions are confirmed when an assassin's arrow poisons Sera's mother. Now, Serafina must embark on a quest to find the assassin's master and prevent a war between the Mer nations. Led only by her shadowy dreams, Sera searches for five other mermaid heroines who are scattered across the six seas. Together, they will form an unbreakable bond of sisterhood and uncover a conspiracy that threatens their world's very existence.

After the vast reaches of outer space, the next spot that occupies on the list in terms of mystery and innumerable possibilities are the water bodies of Earth. This, plot based on myths of the sea and especially if done right can prove to be quite the intriguing reading experience. This is a mer-folk tale with the myths of old in the mix and I daresay made me remember of the children's Barbie movie, The Pearl Princess. Too childish, for you all maybe but I love watching them.

Jennifer Donnelly weaves an intriguing tale of adventure, world's end, strong friendship and of the merpeople. Coupled with a gorgeous cover and strong characters, and a beautiful trailer, you definitely shouldn't give it a miss. Although the first half of the book is much more stronger than the second half. But I liked this book way better than the other mermaid centered stories I had previously read.

The Princess Seraphina is a very likable character. She is strong willed, very much opinionated and is quite the worrier. With the added responsibility of being a royal the only child of her mother, and the future Queen of the kingdom and her coming nuptial with Prince Mahdi. Well she is anxious and developed some self-esteem issues. Add to it, she has nightmares every night of the coming of a great evil and clues in to her own importance in the circumstances. Being able to explore the world from her perspective and experiencing all the joys and the hardships she experiences truly make her shine. 

Can't say much about Mahdi yet but being the first book of the series, Deep Blue lays the groundwork for a great many strong characters and a fantastic plot. Definitely Sera and Neela's friendship was definitely one of the great things about this book. All that aside I would have liked to know more about Sera and Mahdi and the second half to hold high like the first half, which doesn't happen. So hopefully that will come to pass in the future books of the series.

Given the consideration, this quite possibly a very interesting read and I am eager to read about what happens next and hope some of out burning questions be answered in the next one.

"Mermaids & Mythology. Deep Blue proves to be quite the sensational journey"

Genre :      Young Adult, Fantasy, Paranormal, Romance

Publisher: Disney

Release Date: 6th May, 2014

My Copy: publisher and netgalley

Rate:              4/5 (Really Liked It)

Buy:           Amazon | Book Depository

Project Paper Doll #2 The Hunt

Presenting Project Paper Doll #2 The Hunt by Stacey Kade.

Here is the summary of the book:

Ariane Tucker has finally escaped GTX, the research facility that created her. While on the run, Zane Bradshaw is the only person she can trust. He knows who-and what-she is and still wants to be part of her life.

But accepting Zane's help means putting him in danger.

Dr. Jacobs, head of GTX, is not the only one hunting for Ariane. Two rival corporations have their sights set on taking down their competition. Permanently. To protect Zane and herself, Ariane needs allies. She needs the other hybrids. The hybrids who are way more alien and a lot less human. Can Ariane win them over before they turn on her? Or will she be forced to choose sides, to decide who lives and who dies?

After the thriller first book, 'The Rules', the story continues in this spellbinding sequel 'The Hunt'. Ariane is on the run from GTX, away from the research facility and the judgmental researchers with Zane. But its not just GTX on her tail now but the competitors Laughin and Emerson St. John too and they are not what you would describe as nice. And Ariane couldn't help not fall harder for Zane....

Arine truly shines through as a heroine here. For the first time, she has to not only think of herself but for Zane too. She knows or her alien side knows that Zane needs to go back for his own safety but her human side fights on all of her decisions bringing in a semblance of humanity in this mix. Her only short-comings, she over analyses things when they are not needed.

Of course Zane is not to back down either. He knows what is going on with Ariane and so her does his best to give her space and let her come to her own conclusion about their situation. Add in some steamy romance between the pair in this cat and mouse chase, as they figure out the best approach to protect themselves and you have a winner. Although I would have liked Ariane to atleast trust Zane with her plans and prevent it from going he wrong way at the worst time.... Of course GTX is not far behind either even if Ariane and Zane try to stay a step ahead. But you gotta admit there is a solid chemistry between the two.

Overall not a bad sequel. Aside from the predictability of the what happens to Zane at the end. This is a great read. With two almost real and relate-able characters, a great plot with its own twists & turns. Suffice it to say I am excited to see what the next one will bring to us.

"A thrilling action-packed sequel in the Project Paper Doll series"

Genre :      Young Adult, Sci-fi, Paranormal, Romance


Release Date: 22nd April, 2014

My Copy: publisher and netgalley

Rate:              4/5 (Really Liked It)

Books in the series (review links):
              #1 The Rules

Buy:           Amazon | Book Depository 

Monday, 12 May 2014

TOURZ DE CODEX: The Asylum by AA Pencil [Guest Post + GIVEAWAY]

DAY 3, The blog tour visits Le' Grande Codex with a Guest Post & a Grand Giveaway.

About the book:-

"I am Melissa Andrews, a prisoner in this forlorn excuse for a psychiatric treatment center."

Melissa Andrews is scheduled for execution by lethal injection but wakes up in a secluded mental asylum with its own dark secrets.

When her questions are unanswered, she has no choice but to form alliances and infiltrate her captors' barriers. Little does she know that she is at the center of one of the asylum's major plots.

What will she uncover about the institution and herself and will she find a way to escape before it's too late?

About the Author:-

A. A. Pencil works part time as a school nurse at an all-boys Catholic school in New York City. As a Lupus survivor, she uses writing as a significant part of her therapy and you will see influences from classical writers such as Agatha Christie and Edgar Alan Poe in her work. When not working or writing, she enjoys cooking, shopping and walking. She has sponsored a child in Mexico for over three years with a children's organization. She currently lives in a borough of New York City with her extended family who are her greatest supporters.

Links to connect and explore :-

Official website
Amazon Kindle

Something from the author....

The Real McCoy: Creating Realistic Characters

So we all know that ‘the real McCoy’ is an idiom which simply means the real thing. Where did it come from? Who knows? There are tons of claims about the origin of ‘the real McCoy, some of them being a variation of the title a song, the last name of a Kansas major back in the 1800’s and the last name of an engineer and inventor of the oil drip cup. As for me, since there really isn’t a concrete origin behind ‘the real McCoy’, I’d like to put my two cents in and say that the term was derived from Hank McCoy, a fictional, blue character from the X-men. Hank, whose mutant alias is ‘Beast’, is special for a number of reasons. Besides the blue fur and feline attributes, Beast is incredibly intelligent, has superhuman strength and is a political activist for the mutants. Though Beast is strong, agile and intelligent, he had to get past self-consciousness (totally understandable when you have blue fur) and a struggle for acceptance. What I believe makes any fictional character unique is a balance between strengths and weaknesses. If you create a character with just the right balance, you’re making them realistic and your readers will connect with them.

Before beginning any story, I like to create a character profile. For my first novel, The Reunion, I purchased a poster board like the one students use for science fair projects. On the board, I listed my characters and included categories like profession, goals, appearance, strengths and weaknesses. I would definitely recommend the use of a board over a computer because there’s no need for scrolling. Everything you need is right in front of you and you can sit back, compare and contrast. (This won’t work if you’re always on the go.) For me, a plus with using the poster board was that I was able to catch that a few of my characters were too similar (I.e. height, hair color, mannerisms). For my second book, The Asylum, I tried to make a character profile using Microsoft Excel but it wasn’t the same as sitting around a table and using the old fashioned paper and pencil. For my third book, I’m planning on using a white board where I can include not only character profiles but I can scribble plots and ideas all on an erasable platform.

Strengths and weakness, I believe, are the strongest criteria for making a character seem realistic. If you create a character that is strong, intelligent, forgiving and generous yet they have no weaknesses, the reader will lose interest because they’ll know that this character will easily overcome adversity. There has to be come kind of challenge. On the other hand, if your character is pessimistic, weak and mean, readers will grow annoyed and not root for them. Balance is the key. It’s fine to create an exceptionally strong character but that character needs to have a flaw or weakness. For example, in The Reunion, the character who’s a meteorologist and graduated at the top of his class had to get over a stuttering issue. In my latest book, The Asylum, the main character, Melissa Andrews, is bold and guarded but has a special place in her heart for children.

We connect not only to people who are similar to us but also to people who are real. We know that no one is perfect (though many people still claim they are). Every one of us has strengths and weaknesses even if we haven’t quite come to terms with them. Fictional characters should have unique backgrounds, goals, idiosyncrasies, strengths, phobias and weaknesses. Rather than searching online for character background generators, simply look around you and you’ll see that this world is overflowing with interesting and unique characters.


1 winner gets to win this commodity

Sunday, 11 May 2014

Doctor Who: Touched By An Angel

Presenting Doctor Who: New Series Adventures #46 Doctor Who: Touched By An Angel by Jonathan Morris.

Here is the summary of the book:

'The past is like a foreign country. Nice to visit, but you really wouldn't want to live there.'

In 2003, Rebecca Whitaker died in a road accident. Her husband Mark is still grieving. He receives a battered envelope, posted eight years earlier, containing a set of instructions with a simple message: 'You can save her.'

As Mark is given the chance to save Rebecca, it's up to the Doctor, Amy and Rory to save the whole world. Because this time the Weeping Angels are using history itself as a weapon.

An adventure featuring the Eleventh Doctor, as played by Matt Smith, and his companions Amy and Rory

Among the Daleks, Cybermen, and the Silence, the Weeping Angels can be considered a formidable enemy and I admit on par with the Daleks on the scary quota. They had some of the most terrifying episodes in their repertoire too including 'Blink', 'The Time of Angels', 'The Angels take Manhattan' etc.

GOD I still remember David Tennant's 10th Doctor Dialogue from the episode 'Blink' --- "Don't Blink. Blink and your dead. Don't turn your Back. Don't look away. And don't blink. Good Luck."

The Weeping Angels are one of my favorite monsters and I knew I just had to read this adventure, the 11th Doctor (Matt Smith) has with Amy & Rory and the Angels.... And this new cover is just enough to bring me on board.

Just as usual the weeping angels are up to no good sending unsuspecting innocents to the past and sounding the proverbial dinner gong, consuming their potential energy and in the Doctor's words, the only psychopaths in the universe to kill you nicely.....

And this time they chose this guy Mark Whitaker as their guinea pig. His wife Rebecca died 8 years ago and since then his life had been but one of misery.... Thus the angels have the perfect opportunity for a paradox and the Doctor, Amy & Rory have their work cut out for them if they wish to prevent the end of the world.

It takes a bit for me to get into the Doctor Who adventures as a novel, since we are used to the tv shows more than the books.... But this is a very heart shattering and touching story. In my limited Doctor Who book experience, the ones I had the chance to read, exhibit an amazing plot but they are not able to incorporate it well and it falls short of the excitement felt when watching the show. Definitely not the case here AT ALL.

The plot is very good. Well paced and well conceived. And the villains of the story are well described..... terrifyingly portrayed by the author. And just like in the episode 'BLINK', it is not the Doctor and his companions but Mark who is the central character to this story. His trials against those dreaded statues really brought me to tears.

Lastly, I would only say this, fan of Doctor Who or just looking for a great read..... then do pick this up and be awed at the brilliance of the tale.... And of course who could forget that little Easter egg from the 10th Doctor's era.... I am sure, you might have already as to what it is...... If not then I definitely urge to not give this one a miss. 

"A brilliant, cunning & emotive adventure with the Doctor, Amy & Rory and the Weeping Angels"

Genre :     Fantasy, Sci-fi, Tv Tie-in

Publisher: BBC Books

Release Date: 6th March, 2014

Rate:             5/5 (It was Amazing)

Other Books from Doctor Who:
         (review links)

Buy:           Amazon | Book Depository

Friday, 9 May 2014

The Taking #1 The Taking

Presenting The Taking #1 The Taking by Kimberly Derting.

Here is summary of the book:

A flash of white light . . . and then . . . nothing.

When sixteen-year-old Kyra Agnew wakes up behind a Dumpster at the Gas ’n’ Sip, she has no memory of how she got there. With a terrible headache and a major case of déjà vu, she heads home only to discover that five years have passed . . . yet she hasn’t aged a day.

Everything else about Kyra’s old life is different. Her parents are divorced, her boyfriend, Austin, is in college and dating her best friend, and her dad has changed from an uptight neat-freak to a drunken conspiracy theorist who blames her five-year disappearance on little green men.

Confused and lost, Kyra isn’t sure how to move forward unless she uncovers the truth. With Austin gone, she turns to Tyler, Austin’s annoying kid brother, who is now seventeen and who she has a sudden undeniable attraction to. As Tyler and Kyra retrace her steps from the fateful night of her disappearance, they discover strange phenomena that no one can explain, and they begin to wonder if Kyra’s father is not as crazy as he seems. There are others like her who have been taken . . . and returned. Kyra races to find an explanation and reclaim the life she once had, but what if the life she wants back is not her own?

Taking alien abduction sequences and turning it into a solid and engaging tale, Kimberly Derting is sure branching out with her literature. Yes I still need to check out the final books of her 'Body Finder' and 'The Pledge' series but I knew I just had to check out 'The Taking' and color me surprised because I was attracted due to this gorgeous cover and did not check the synopsis before requesting it on edelweiss.... And I loved the experience of it all!

This is the story of Kyra Agnew. An ordinary girl, with ordinary parents and ordinary aspirations in life. But a fight with her dad on the topic of college and her boyfriend Austin.... bringing in a chance encounter of the 3rd kind with a bright flash of light and bang! she wakes up 5 years later. With no knowledge of her whereabouts, her life in tatters and her age, seemingly the same as when she had disappeared.

Kyra was a beauty to experience. Just like Captain America (don't flame, it is an apt comparison) Kyra is out of her time and the author did a wonderful job of actually illustrating her situation. Everyone has moved on with their lives leaving Kyra behind to reminisce on the past. All she experiences after the mysterious 5 years are shards of a life she should have had..... but it was lost to her. Although she takes everything in her stride and tries with all her might to come out on top.

Tyler on the other hand forms the perfect support for Kyra as she searches for a sense of belonging. He is loyal. He is cheesy and he is determined. He is Austin's younger brother and while the elder one chose to move on. Tyler held on to his long term crush..... And his chemistry with Kyra and their gradual romance was a sight for sore eyes and highly appreciated.

He proves to be the perfect rock for Kyra as she figures out her circumstances and unearth the mystery of what happened to her in those 5 years..... Coupled with a fast paced and engagingly thrilling plot. You just can't expect not to be hooked. The Taking may start out slow but picks up speed in record time and you are enthralled by this sci-fi, mystery-thriller. Definitely eager to see how the mystery unveils i the next book.

"Kimberly Derting serves us an unputdownable sci-fi mystery with fireflies"

Genre :     Young Adult, Paranormal, Sci-fi, Romance, Mystery, Thriller

Publisher: Harper Teen

Release Date: 29th April, 2014

Rate:             4/5 (Really Liked It)

Other Books by the Author(review links):
         The Body Finder (series)
         The Pledge (series)

Buy:           Amazon | Book Depository

Tuesday, 6 May 2014

Eighth Day #1 The Eighth Day

Presenting Eighth Day #1 The Eighth Day by Dianne K. Salerni.

Here is the summary of the book:

In this riveting fantasy adventure, thirteen-year-old Jax Aubrey discovers a secret eighth day with roots tracing back to Arthurian legend. Fans of Percy Jackson will devour this first book in a new series that combines exciting magic and pulse-pounding suspense.

When Jax wakes up to a world without any people in it, he assumes it's the zombie apocalypse. But when he runs into his eighteen-year-old guardian, Riley Pendare, he learns that he's really in the eighth day—an extra day sandwiched between Wednesday and Thursday. Some people—like Jax and Riley—are Transitioners, able to live in all eight days, while others, including Evangeline, the elusive teenage girl who's been hiding in the house next door, exist only on this special day.

And there's a reason Evangeline's hiding. She is a descendant of the powerful wizard Merlin, and there is a group of people who wish to use her in order to destroy the normal seven-day world and all who live in it. Torn between protecting his new friend and saving the entire human race from complete destruction, Jax is faced with an impossible choice. Even with an eighth day, time is running out.

Stay tuned for The Inquisitor's Mark, the spellbinding second novel in the Eighth Day series.

Grunsday. A magical day wedges in between Thursday and Friday..... COOL.... VERY COOL.... Kudos to Dianne K Salerni for creating such an innovative plot albeit a middle grade story.... but a thrilling read none the less. Couple with a 3d-esque cover and good writing and we have a winner.

Jax moves in with his 18 year old guardian Riley after the death of his parents and discovers a secret that changes the very nature of his lifestyle and his perspective of those around him. There is more to those around him and his own lineage and he has just barely scratched the surface of it all. Of King Arthur and Merlin and the Lady of the Lake and Morgana..... Jax discovers that magic is very much real and some of it runs in his veins.

May sound like your typical middle grade story but of course it is not. Brownie points to Salerni for concocting such an innovative plot and keeping it interesting and engaging for us readers. Jax is your typical tragedy ridden teen but the dynamics of his relationship with Riley was definitely the focal point to this story. Of course next door ghostly neighbor Evangeline is important to this adventure, trapped in Grunsdays, she brings her own excitement to this story. Very excited to see what happens in the sequel.

"Eighth day of the week and fate of the world hanging in the balance. I RECOMMEND"

Genre :      Middle Grade, Fantasy, Mystery

Publisher: Harper Collins

Release Date: 22nd April, 2014

My Copy: publisher and edelweiss

Rate:              5/5 (It was Amazing)

Buy:           Amazon | Book Depository

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